Rename Column in an Oracle Table

September 27, 2010

in Data Dictionary, DBA, DDL

Rename Column in an Oracle Table

Can you change the name of a table column in Oracle?

Oracle 9i and above, you can very easily – there is a direct RENAME column command. Pre-Oracle 9i, you have to do a little more.

In this article, we’ll look at both the current and older methods for how to rename column in an Oracle table.

Say, in a table EMPLOYEE, you want to change column SAL to SALARY.

Rename column: Oracle 9i and above

This is what your table looks like before the change:

SQL> desc employee
 Name              Null?    Type
 ----------------- -------- ------------
 EMPNO                      NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                      VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB                        VARCHAR2(9)
 MGR                        NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                   DATE
 SAL                        NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                       NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                     NUMBER(2)

One liner to get the job done.

SQL> alter table employee
  2  rename column
  3  sal to salary;

Table altered.

Lo and behold!

SQL> desc employee
 Name              Null?    Type
 ----------------- -------- ------------
 EMPNO                      NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                      VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB                        VARCHAR2(9)
 MGR                        NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                   DATE
 SALARY                     NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                       NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                     NUMBER(2)

Rename column: Pre Oracle 9i


  1. Create a temporary table employee_t using CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, with the new column name in place of the old one.
  2. Give all grants, indexes, etc. to the new table employee_t, to match with the old one employee.
  3. Drop old table employee.
  4. Rename employee_t as employee.

See it in action:

SQL> create table employee_t
  2  (empno
  3  ,ename
  4  ,job
  5  ,mgr
  6  ,hiredate
  7  ,salary -- new column name
  8  ,comm
  9  ,deptno
 10  )
 11  as
 12  select * from employee;

Table created.

SQL> desc employee_t
 Name              Null?    Type
 ----------------- -------- ------------
 EMPNO                      NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                      VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB                        VARCHAR2(9)
 MGR                        NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                   DATE
 SALARY                     NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                       NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                     NUMBER(2)

SQL> drop table employee;

Table dropped.

SQL> rename employee_t to employee;

Table renamed.

SQL> desc employee;
 Name              Null?    Type
 ----------------- -------- ------------
 EMPNO                      NUMBER(4)
 ENAME                      VARCHAR2(10)
 JOB                        VARCHAR2(9)
 MGR                        NUMBER(4)
 HIREDATE                   DATE
 SALARY                     NUMBER(7,2)
 COMM                       NUMBER(7,2)
 DEPTNO                     NUMBER(2)


This article demonstrates how to rename column in an Oracle table. It also provides a workaround to rename a table column in older versions of Oracle that do not support the RENAME command.

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