Find Number of Rows in Each Table in a Schema

March 1, 2014

in Data Dictionary, DBA, PL/SQL

Oracle schema record count

How will you find out the number of rows in each table in a schema in Oracle?

Here are two approaches with their pros and cons.


Pros: Very fast
Cons: Accurate only upto LAST_ANALYZED date of USER_TABLES. If statistics are up-to-date, this method will give a good estimate of data volume.

SQL> select table_name, num_rows
  2  from user_tables;

TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
------------------------------ ----------
REGIONS                                 4
LOCATIONS                              23
DEPARTMENTS                            27
JOBS                                   19
EMPLOYEES                             107
JOB_HISTORY                            10
TCOMP_KEY                               0
JOB_HISTORY_NOTES                       0
TCOMP_KEY_NOTES                         0
COUNTRIES                              25

10 rows selected.

The result may not be reliable though if table volumes change rapidly, or if the LAST_ANALYZED date is too old. In the second case, you could get the schema statistics updated and then run the query to select NUM_ROWS per table.

SQL> -- Gather statistics to update NUM_ROWS
SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('HR');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Run the same SQL again – note the difference in count of REGIONS table.

SQL> select table_name, num_rows
  2  from user_tables;

TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
------------------------------ ----------
REGIONS                                 5
LOCATIONS                              23
DEPARTMENTS                            27
JOBS                                   19
EMPLOYEES                             107
JOB_HISTORY                            10
TCOMP_KEY                               0
JOB_HISTORY_NOTES                       0
TCOMP_KEY_NOTES                         0
COUNTRIES                              25

10 rows selected.

2. Write PL/SQL to Select Count per Table

Pros: Accurate, since counts are real-time values
Cons: Slow

Function to calculate count using dynamic SQL, for an input table name:

create or replace function 
count_rows (p_tablename in varchar2) 
return number
  l_count    number;
  execute immediate
   'select count(*)
    from ' || p_tablename 
  into l_count;

    return l_count;

Compiling the function:

SQL> create or replace function
  2  count_rows (p_tablename in varchar2)
  3  return number
  4  as
  5    l_count    number;
  6  begin
  7    execute immediate
  8     'select count(*)
  9      from ' || p_tablename
 10    into l_count;
 12      return l_count;
 13  end;
 14  /

Function created.

How to invoke this function:

SQL> select table_name
  2       , count_rows(table_name) num_rows
  3  from user_tables;

TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
------------------------------ ----------
REGIONS                                 5
LOCATIONS                              23
DEPARTMENTS                            27
JOBS                                   19
EMPLOYEES                             107
JOB_HISTORY                            10
TCOMP_KEY                               0
JOB_HISTORY_NOTES                       0
TCOMP_KEY_NOTES                         0
COUNTRIES                              25

10 rows selected.

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