Stop Overlapping Ranges in a Table

May 5, 2014

in DDL, PL/SQL, SQL, Triggers

Overlapping Ranges in a Table

Income tax brackets. Sales commission rates. Loan pre-payment penalty charges. Those are types of master data that get defined as range-based matrices. An important validation for such data is that the slabs should have no overlapping ranges: any input value should match only a single row in the master range definition.

When range-based matrices are stored in a database table, how can overlapping ranges be prevented? Read on to find out the solution for an Oracle database.

Let’s assess the problem first, with the example of an affiliate marketing rates table (affiliate_rate), which defines the benefit percent (rate_value) in terms of count of goods sold by the affiliate.

SQL> desc affiliate_rate

 Name              Null?    Type
 ----------------- -------- ------------
 COUNT_FROM                 NUMBER(4)
 COUNT_TO                   NUMBER(4)
 RATE_VALUE                 NUMBER(5,2)

SQL> select * from affiliate_rate;

---------- ---------- ----------
         1          6       4.00
         7         30       6.00
        31        110       6.50
       111        320       7.00

count_from and count_to representing the lower and upper limits of the range, both inclusive. So, an affiliate with 10 goods sold will have a rate_value 6.00, which another affiliate with 200 goods sold will have a rate_value 7.00.

In the absence of any validation on affiliate_rate to stop overlapping ranges, a new record with range (310, 630) can get inserted into the table:

SQL> -- Insert new row with
SQL> -- overlapping count_from
SQL> insert into affiliate_rate
  2         (count_from
  3        , count_to
  4        , rate_value)
  5  values
  6         (310 -- Overlapping value
  7        , 630
  8        , 7.50
  9         );

1 row created.
SQL> select * from affiliate_rate;

---------- ---------- ----------
         1          6       4.00
         7         30       6.00
        31        110       6.50
       111        320       7.00
       310        630       7.50

Now, we are no longer sure of the rate_value when the count of goods sold is , say, 314. Is it 7.00 or is it 7.50?

Overlapping Ranges: What to check for

There are four overlap scenarios to check for and block:

  1. count_from of the new range falls within an existing range
  2. This SQL should result in an error:

    -- Condition 1: Insert overlapping count_from
    insert into affiliate_rate
          , count_to
          , rate_value)
           (310 -- Overlapping value
          , 630
          , 7.50
  3. count_to of the new range falls within an existing range
  4. This SQL should result in an error:

    -- condition2: Insert overlapping count_to
    insert into affiliate_rate
          , count_to
          , rate_value)
          , 2  -- Overlapping value
          , 1.00
  5. The new range is a subset of an existing range
  6. This SQL should result in an error:

    -- Condition 3: New range is a subset
    insert into affiliate_rate
          , count_to
          , rate_value)
          , 300  -- subset of {111,320}
          , 7.50
  7. An existing range is a subset of the new range
  8. This SQL should result in an error:

    -- Condition 4: Old range is a subset
    insert into affiliate_rate
          , count_to
          , rate_value)
          , 330  -- superset of {111,320}
          , 7.50

Overlapping Ranges Blocker Toolkit

The validations to check for and block overlapping ranges can be implemented with a combination of these DB objects:

  1. A package that defines two table object types — one to store new rowids, another empty.
  2. A before, statement level trigger to set the state to a known, consistent state using the table object types
  3. An after, row level trigger to capture the changes for each row
  4. An after, statement level trigger to do the overlap validation

Creating the objects in the database for affiliate_rate table:

Step 1: Creating the package

SQL> -- Package to maintain the "state"
SQL> -- of new or updated rows.
SQL> create or replace package
  2            util_pkg
  3  as
  4    type rowid_tbl is
  5         table of rowid
  6         index by binary_integer;
  8    new_rowid_tbl    rowid_tbl;
  9    -- to hold new rows
 11    empty_rowid_tbl  rowid_tbl;
 12    -- to reset the table type
 13  end;
 14  /

Package created.

Step 2: Creating the before, statement level trigger

SQL> -- Before insert, reset the
SQL> -- state of new_rowid_tbl.
SQL> create or replace trigger
  2            affiliate_rate_bi
  3  before insert on affiliate_rate
  4  begin
  5    util_pkg.new_rowid_tbl :=
  6             util_pkg.empty_rowid_tbl;
  7  end;
  8  /

Trigger created.

Step 3: Creating the after, row level trigger

SQL> -- After insert of each row,
SQL> -- store the rowid in new_rowid_tbl.
SQL> create or replace trigger
  2            affiliate_rate_airow
  3  after insert on affiliate_rate
  4  for each row
  5  begin
  6    util_pkg.new_rowid_tbl(
  7       util_pkg.new_rowid_tbl.count + 1
  8                          ) :=
  9        :new.rowid;
 10  end;
 11  /

Trigger created.

Step 4: Creating the after, statement level trigger for overlap validation

SQL> -- After insert, serialize access to 
SQL> the table with dbms_lock and check for 
SQL> -- overlaps between new and existing ranges
SQL> create or replace trigger
  2            affiliate_rate_ai
  3  after insert on affiliate_rate
  4  declare
  5      status int;
  6      l_rec  affiliate_rate%rowtype;
  7      l_cnt  number;
  8  begin
  9    status := dbms_lock.request
 10       (id  => 123, -- random id for this e.g.
 11       lockmode => dbms_lock.x_mode, -- exclusive
 12       release_on_commit => TRUE );
 14    for i in 1 .. util_pkg.new_rowid_tbl.count
 15    loop
 16      select * into l_rec
 17        from affiliate_rate
 18       where rowid = util_pkg.new_rowid_tbl(i);
 20      select count(*)
 21        into l_cnt
 22        from affiliate_rate
 23       where rowid <> util_pkg.new_rowid_tbl(i)
 24       -- New range overlaps with existing count_from
 25         and (count_from between l_rec.count_from
 26             and l_rec.count_to
 27       -- New range overlaps with existing to
 28          or count_to between l_rec.count_from
 29              and l_rec.count_to
 30       -- New range is a subset of existing range
 31          or (count_from < l_rec.count_from
 32              and l_rec.count_from < count_to));
 34      if ( l_cnt > 0 ) then
 35        raise_application_error( -20001,
 36          'Overlap: ' || l_rec.count_from || ', ' ||
 37          l_rec.count_to || ' rejected' );
 38      end if;
 39    end loop;
 40  end;
 41  /

Trigger created.

Overlapping Ranges Blocker — in Action

Let’s check the outcome in each of the four overlap scenarios described above, as well as in a no-overlap scenario.

  1. count_from of the new range falls within an existing range
  2. SQL> -- Condition 1:
    SQL> -- Insert overlapping count_from
    SQL> insert into affiliate_rate
      2         (count_from
      3        , count_to
      4        , rate_value)
      5  values
      6         (310 -- Overlapping value
      7        , 630
      8        , 7.50
      9         );
    insert into affiliate_rate
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20001: Overlap: 310, 630 rejected
    ORA-06512: at "HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI", line 32
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI'

  3. count_to of the new range falls within an existing range
  4. SQL> -- Condition 2:
    SQL> -- Insert overlapping count_to
    SQL> insert into affiliate_rate
      2         (count_from
      3        , count_to
      4        , rate_value)
      5  values
      6         (0
      7        , 2  -- Overlapping value
      8        , 1.00
      9         );
    insert into affiliate_rate
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20001: Overlap: 0, 2 rejected
    ORA-06512: at "HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI", line 32
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI'

  5. The new range is a subset of an existing range
  6. SQL> -- Condition 3: New range is a subset
    SQL> insert into affiliate_rate
      2         (count_from
      3        , count_to
      4        , rate_value)
      5  values
      6         (120
      7        , 300  -- subset of {111,320}
      8        , 7.50
      9         );
    insert into affiliate_rate
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20001: Overlap: 120, 300 rejected
    ORA-06512: at "HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI", line 32
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI'

  7. An existing range is a subset of the new range
  8. SQL> -- Condition 4: Old range is a subset
    SQL> insert into affiliate_rate
      2         (count_from
      3        , count_to
      4        , rate_value)
      5  values
      6         (100
      7        , 330  -- superset of {111,320}
      8        , 7.50
      9         );
    insert into affiliate_rate
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20001: Overlap: 100, 330 rejected
    ORA-06512: at "HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI", line 32
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'HR.AFFILIATE_RATE_AI'

  9. No overlap
  10. SQL> -- Condition 5: No overlap
    SQL> insert into affiliate_rate
      2         (count_from
      3        , count_to
      4        , rate_value)
      5  values
      6         (321
      7        , 330
      8        , 7.50
      9         );
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from affiliate_rate;
    ---------- ---------- ----------
             1          6       4.00
             7         30       6.00
            31        110       6.50
           111        320       7.00
           321        330       7.50


Thanks to asktom for the template for this solution — have worked it in various projects with success.

If you want contiguous ranges, a design that requires less validation is the one using upper bounds only – see grade_master table in Using LEAD/LAG to Place a Value within Extents.

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