In Which Package Is This Procedure Placed?

September 25, 2017

in Data Dictionary, Database Design, DBA

In Which Package Is This Procedure Placed

“In which package is this procedure placed?”

Typical scenario: in a project’s design phase, procedureA is meant to be placed in packageX. During implementation, packages are refactored:  packageX gets split into packageY and packageZ. All goes well — the application gets deployed and is running merrily – till a change request comes in.

A new developer refers to the design documentation to understand the change request.

The design documentation should have been updated to reflect the new package structure — but it isn’t.

packageX is nowhere to be found in the database.

How should the developer find out the package in which this procedure lies?

ALL_PROCEDURES to the rescue

For information about stored procedures in Oracle, look up the data dictionary view ALL_PROCEDURES.

From Oracle’s documentation:

ALL_PROCEDURES lists all functions and procedures that are accessible to the current user, along with associated properties. For example, ALL_PROCEDURES indicates whether or not a function is pipelined, parallel enabled or an aggregate function.

Among these properties is also the answer to the question that interests us: in which package will we find the procedure?


As it happens with data dictionary views in Oracle, corresponding to the ALL* view are the DBA* and USER* views.

DBA_PROCEDURES lists details of all stored procedures available in the database.

USER_PROCEDURES lists details of stored procedures owned by the current user.


Run a query to get the listing for procedureA in ALL_PROCEDURES:

SQL> select owner
  2       , object_name
  3  from all_procedures
  4  where procedure_name = 'PROCEDUREA';

OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME
------------------------------ -------------
HR                             PACKAGEY

The result tells us what we were looking for: that procedureX was created in schema HR, package packageY.


After querying ALL_PROCEDURES to identify the package name for your procedure, go fix the design documentation!

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