![Difference Between DECODE and CASE](https://www.oratable.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/case-decode-conditions.jpg)
DECODE and CASE statements in Oracle both provide a conditional construct, of this form:
if A = n1 then A1
else if A = n2 then A2
else X
Databases before Oracle 8.1.6 had only the DECODE function. CASE was introduced in Oracle 8.1.6 as a standard, more meaningful and more powerful function.
Everything DECODE can do, CASE can. There is a lot else CASE can do though, which DECODE cannot. We’ll go through detailed examples in this article.
1. CASE can work with logical operators other than ‘=’
DECODE performs an equality check only. CASE is capable of other logical comparisons such as < > etc. It takes some complex coding – forcing ranges of data into discrete form – to achieve the same effect with DECODE.
An example of putting employees in grade brackets based on their salaries. This can be done elegantly with CASE.
SQL> select ename 2 , case 3 when sal < 1000 4 then 'Grade I' 5 when (sal >=1000 and sal < 2000) 6 then 'Grade II' 7 when (sal >= 2000 and sal < 3000) 8 then 'Grade III' 9 else 'Grade IV' 10 end sal_grade 11 from emp 12 where rownum < 4; ENAME SAL_GRADE ---------- --------- SMITH Grade I ALLEN Grade II WARD Grade II
2. CASE can work with predicates and searchable subqueries
DECODE works with expressions that are scalar values only. CASE can work with predicates and subqueries in searchable form.
An example of categorizing employees based on reporting relationship, showing these two uses of CASE.
SQL> select e.ename, 2 case 3 -- predicate with "in" 4 -- set the category based on ename list 5 when e.ename in ('KING','SMITH','WARD') 6 then 'Top Bosses' 7 -- searchable subquery 8 -- identify if this emp has a reportee 9 when exists (select 1 from emp emp1 10 where emp1.mgr = e.empno) 11 then 'Managers' 12 else 13 'General Employees' 14 end emp_category 15 from emp e 16 where rownum < 5; ENAME EMP_CATEGORY ---------- ----------------- SMITH Top Bosses ALLEN General Employees WARD Top Bosses JONES Managers
3. CASE can work as a PL/SQL construct
DECODE can work as a function inside SQL only. CASE can be an efficient substitute for IF-THEN-ELSE in PL/SQL.
SQL> declare 2 grade char(1); 3 begin 4 grade := 'b'; 5 case grade 6 when 'a' then dbms_output.put_line('excellent'); 7 when 'b' then dbms_output.put_line('very good'); 8 when 'c' then dbms_output.put_line('good'); 9 when 'd' then dbms_output.put_line('fair'); 10 when 'f' then dbms_output.put_line('poor'); 11 else dbms_output.put_line('no such grade'); 12 end case; 13 end; 14 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
CASE can even work as a parameter to a procedure call, while DECODE cannot.
SQL> var a varchar2(5); SQL> exec :a := 'THREE'; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SQL> create or replace procedure proc_test (i number) 2 as 3 begin 4 dbms_output.put_line('output = '||i); 5 end; 6 / Procedure created. SQL> exec proc_test(decode(:a,'THREE',3,0)); BEGIN proc_test(decode(:a,'THREE',3,0)); END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-06550: line 1, column 17: PLS-00204: function or pseudo-column 'DECODE' may be used inside a SQL statement only ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored SQL> exec proc_test(case :a when 'THREE' then 3 else 0 end); output = 3 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
4. Careful! CASE handles NULL differently
Check out the different results with DECODE vs NULL.
SQL> select decode(null 2 , null, 'NULL' 3 , 'NOT NULL' 4 ) null_test 5 from dual; NULL ---- NULL
SQL> select case null 2 when null 3 then 'NULL' 4 else 'NOT NULL' 5 end null_test 6 from dual; NULL_TES -------- NOT NULL
The “searched CASE” works as does DECODE.
SQL> select case 2 when null is null 3 then 'NULL' 4 else 'NOT NULL' 5 end null_test 6* from dual SQL> / NULL_TES -------- NULL
5. CASE expects datatype consistency, DECODE does not
Compare the two examples below- DECODE gives you a result, CASE gives a datatype mismatch error.
SQL> select decode(2,1,1, 2 '2','2', 3 '3') t 4 from dual; T ---------- 2
SQL> select case 2 when 1 then '1' 2 when '2' then '2' 3 else '3' 4 end 5 from dual; when '2' then '2' * ERROR at line 2: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected NUMBER got CHAR
6. CASE is ANSI SQL-compliant
CASE complies with ANSI SQL. DECODE is proprietary to Oracle.
7. The difference in readability
In very simple situations, DECODE is shorter and easier to understand than CASE.
SQL> -- An example where DECODE and CASE SQL> -- can work equally well, and SQL> -- DECODE is cleaner SQL> select ename 2 , decode (deptno, 10, 'Accounting', 3 20, 'Research', 4 30, 'Sales', 5 'Unknown') as department 6 from emp 7 where rownum < 4; ENAME DEPARTMENT ---------- ---------- SMITH Research ALLEN Sales WARD Sales SQL> select ename 2 , case deptno 3 when 10 then 'Accounting' 4 when 20 then 'Research' 5 when 30 then 'Sales' 6 else 'Unknown' 7 end as department 8 from emp 9 where rownum < 4; ENAME DEPARTMENT ---------- ---------- SMITH Research ALLEN Sales WARD Sales
Complicated logical comparisons in DECODE, even if technically achievable, are a recipe for messy, bug-prone code. When the same can be done more cleanly with CASE, go for CASE.
[Photo by natematias]
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veny nice explanation
Thanks for providing the information very precisely:)
brilliant explanations 🙂
Very clear Expalanation,Thank you.
Excellent explanation..hats off…….Thanks
nice explaination
Very nice and excellent explanation.
Thanks a lot.
Brilliant explanation..it really easy to understand ..!!!
Thnx a lot.
Very nice explanation . Awesome. Explained very properly.
Clear and Concise, Thanks
good and super…
Excellent!!!!..Thanks a lot 🙂
Super Expalnation
nice explanation dude..
thanks alot
nice explanation dude..
thanks alot
good explanations
Good job…..!!
Thank u so much……….!!!
Thanks a lot 🙂
very excellent explanations
Good job..
Excellent Job…
Very clearly explained and very useful information.
Thank you.
Thanks man , very nice explanation
Its very usefull explanation……. Thank you DUDE
Superb man.
Atleast I have learned one new thing out of the ocean of knowledge.
Very nice way of explanation… 🙂
Could you please expalin point 4th (i.e 4. Careful! CASE handles NULL differently)
it is good example but there is no explanation for example..tell me the logic behind the different outputs.
perfect answers and good explanation
very good explanation.
Thanks for sharing this info.
Explanation given is informative and simple.:)
Excellent explanation !!!
Excellent superbb…
Its very usefull explanation…….
Please post this kind of things…
Explanation given is simple to understand , good job
Good one… covered all 😉
Very nice artical…:)
Very well explained.
Thanks. 🙂
very nice
really very nice one
Very Good Explanation..!!
Good article….. and also solved my problem.
One of the best pieces of articles read on the internet. Thanks for all the work did behind this post
o’sum article and very nice explanation .Thank u
Superb explanation. Thanks a lot!!!!
Thank you very much……………..Good explanation……..
very good explanation : )
Superbly , Excellent explanation. Thanks .
Well done, very precisely explained differences. I really did not knew that CASE and DECODE has so many differences. Now obviously Case is superior candidate to be used in decision making constructs.
Thanks a lot.
Very good information and that too precisely.
Awesome ! Good Explanation ! Thanks for the info !
Helpful !!! Used to ask in every interview
good explanation.
well explained…….very helpful…so simple.
thanks for that.
Good explanation
nice explanation.
one diff is there decode is function and case is expression
excellent ..very very good explanation
Wonderful explanation..Many Thanks!
excellent ………
very helpful.. Thanks a lot.!!!
well explained with examples
Nice explanation, thank you
Great explanation
Very nicely explained in depth.. Thankyou……!!!
Very well explained… thank you !!
crisp and clear explanation
well explained with so many Examples, very helpful , many thanks